Erin Kleiner » Welcome!


Hello AIA Families,
I am Erin Kleiner and I currently serve our community largely by working on staff recruitment efforts. I previously served as the Assistant Principal for AIA Elementary, and as a teacher for many years before that at both the elementary and middle school levels. I love working for Arts in Action because I believe strongly in our efforts toward offering all children a holistic education that meets their needs as a person and as a scholar. I am a graduate of UC Santa Barbara, where I double majored in English and Linguistics with an emphasis in Spanish. I completed a MA in Elementary Education from the University of New Mexico and an M. Ed. in Educational Administration from UCLA. I hold a Clear Multiple Subject Credential, Clear Single Subject Credentials in Foundational Level General Science and English, and a Clear Administrative Services Credential. In my free time, I love reading, working out, going for hikes, and playing with my two sons.