Parents of English Language Learners Committee ELAC and DELAC
Arts in Action Community Charter School (Elementary)
Arts in Action Community Middle School
2024-2025 ELAC Meetings Schedule | ||||
Main Topic | Subtopic Covered | Subtopic Covered | Date and Time | Zoom Info |
Informational session: -What is ELAC? - How do I get involved? |
ELAC Officers Responsibilities and Nominations for ELAC Officers |
Voting of Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary) |
Meeting ID: 868 3215 1160
ELAC Responsibilities Review | Initial ELPAC Overview | Parent Notifications |
Meeting ID: 813 7361 8422
Importance of Attendance | Instructional Programs Overview | *setup for school visits/ classroom observations |
Meeting ID: 817 8388 2903
Development of Needs Assessment | Parent School Observation Share-Out | Summative ELPAC Information ELPAC Practice Questions |
Meeting ID: 885 9972 3361
LCAP Presentation/SPSA by Executive Director | Budget | Intervention & Monitoring |
Meeting ID: 835 2760 5480
Needs Assessment Data Analysis | Reclassification & Monitoring |
Meeting ID: 880 2084 5728
According to the California Education Code, each school with twenty-one (21) or more ELs must establish a functioning ELAC. The ELAC is an advisory committee whose purpose is to provide input and advice to the site administration. ELACs are not decision making councils nor do they approve expenditures from any funding source. However, they do provide input and advice on school decisions and the use of funding sources dedicated to ELs.
Parents who serve on the ELAC are elected by parents/guardians of EL and must make up at least the same percentage of the committee membership as their children represent of the student body. The minimum percentage of EL parents on the ELAC is fifty-one (51) percent. However, if the percentage of EL students at a school is greater than 51 percent, the percentage of EL parents on the ELAC must match or exceed the percentage of the school’s total EL population. The table below provides simple illustrations of how to calculate the proportion of EL parents that must be on the ELAC.
The District and school sites are permitted to allocate appropriate financial resources for reasonable expenses that participating ELAC and DELAC parents incur while carrying out their duties (e.g., transportation, child care, translation services, meals, and training). (EC § 52168 (b) (4).)
The ELAC is to meet regularly with the principal or designee to identify training topics needed to assist committee members in carrying out their legal responsibilities. The ELAC must make written recommendations to the School Site Council and/or Principal for each of the following legally required training topics:
- Comprehensive information about the development and implementation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), including analyzing student data and making recommendations regarding the allocation of fiscal resources based on the identified needs
- The design and development, content, purpose and results of a school-wide, comprehensive needs assessment
- Data reported in the annual R-30 Language Census – EL, IFEP and RFEP populations, reclassification, instructional program participation, staffing – and the implications for student achievement
- Information regarding the attendance patterns and trends at the school; in addition to school and District attendance policies in order to understand the importance of regular school attendance
NOTE: Orientation and election meetings must be held in addition to regularly scheduled meetings. In the absence of a quorum, meetings are informational only and do not count toward the required number of meetings. No official actions may take place at such meetings.
In addition to the above topics, the ELAC must also receive training and/or opportunities that will adequately prepare the committee members to understand how to make informed recommendations, including:
x Initial identification and placement of ELs
x Parental notifications, including Initial Enrollment, Notification of Initial Assessment
Results, Annual Notifications, and Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
x Assessments for ELs, including the CELDT, pre-LAS 2000 Español/LAS Español, Basic
Inventory of Natural Language (BINL), Standards Test in Spanish (STS), and CST/CMA x Goals, rationale, structure and outcomes of the instructional programs for ELs in the
x Monitoring the academic and linguistic progress of ELs, including intervention services
for students not making adequate progress
x Criteria and procedures for reclassification of ELs
x Monitoring the academic progress of RFEP students
x Categorical budgets, including appropriate use of funds and supplemental services to
address the identified needs of EL and RFEP students
x Participation in guided classroom observation demonstrating effective methodology that
fosters language acquisition and academic content knowledge for ELs
x Any area of need identified in the annual Needs Assessment conducted as part of the
mandated ELAC requirements.
ES ELAC Agendas 2023-2024
ES ELAC Meeting Minutes 2023-2024
MS ELAC Agendas 2023-2024
MS ELAC Meeting Minutes 2023-2024
ES ELAC Minutes 2022-2023
MS ELAC Minutes 2022-2023
ES ELAC Minutes 2021-2022
MS ELAC Agendas 2022-2023
MS ELAC Agendas 2021-2022
MS ELAC Minutes 2021-2022
MS ELAC Agendas 2020-2021
MS ELAC Minutes 2020-2021
ES ELAC Agendas 2020-2021
ES ELAC Minutes 2020-2021
ELAC Agendas 2019-2020
MS ELAC Agendas 2019-2020
MS ELAC Minutes 2019-2020
ES ELAC Agendas 2019-2020
ES ELAC Minutes 2019-2020
MS ELAC Agendas 2018-2019
ELAC Minutes 2018-2019
MS ELAC Agendas 2017-2018
MS ELAC Minutes 2017-2018
ES ELAC Agendas 2017-2018
ES ELAC Minutes 2017-2018