School Site Council
Arts in Action is an independent LEA. As a charter school, Arts in Action is not required to have a School Site Council but must have methods of parent and stakeholder engagement. Arts in Action mirrors many of the components of LAUSD's SSC but is not required to do so.
The School Site Council at Arts in Action Community Charter School and Arts in Action Community Middle School fulfills the following:
- A school that operates a categorical program funded through the consolidated application (ConApp) shall establish a school site council (SSC) if such program requires a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (California Education Code [EC] Section 65000[b]).
- The SSC shall develop the content of the SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]). The SPSA shall be reviewed annually and updated, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the ConApp and the local control and accountability plan (LCAP), if any, by the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]).
- The SPSAs shall be reviewed and approved by the governing board or body of the local educational agency (LEA) at a regularly scheduled meeting whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs for pupils covered by programs identified in this part (EC Section 64001[i]). If a SPSA is not approved by the governing board or body of the LEA, specific reasons for that action shall be communicated to the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]).
- Modifications to any SPSA shall be developed, recommended, and approved or disapproved by the governing board or body of the LEA in the same manner (EC Section 64001[i]).
- A LEA shall ensure, in the ConApp, that the SPSA has been prepared in accordance with the law, that SSC have developed and approved a SPSA for each school participating in programs funded through the ConApp process, and that SPSAs were developed with the review, certification, and advice of the school English learner advisory committee (ELAC), if required (EC Section 64001[c]).
- The School Site Council is composed of teachers, staff, parents, the school principal, and student(s) representative (MS only).
- All are welcome to attend School Site Council Meetings.
- Agendas and meeting minutes will be posted here. Materials presented at SSC meetings can be requested by contacting: [email protected] or the school director or main office of the school at 323-266-4371.
Below is the calendar of School Site Council Board Meetings for the 2023-2024 school year with the date/time/location:
Arts in Action Community Middle School |
Date | Location and Zoom Links | Topics |
10/12/2023 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: Click Here
SSC Responsibilities & Officers Review
11/16/2023 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: On agenda |
School Data Overview
1/18/2024 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: On agenda |
School Data Overview
2/22/2024 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: On agenda |
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
Mid-Year LCAP and LCAP review
School-wide Data Review and Comprehensive Needs Assessment
2/29/2024 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: On agenda |
Instructional Programs Overview
4/18/2024 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: On agenda |
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
5/16/24 |
745 South Kern Avenue
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Zoom: On agenda |
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
Arts in Action Community Charter School |
Date | Location and Zoom Links | Topics |
11/13/2023 at 3:00pm |
5115 Via Corona
Los Angeles, CA, 90022
Zoom: On agenda
SSC Responsibilities & Officers Review
12/11/2023 at 3:30pm |
5115 Via Corona
Los Angeles, CA, 90022
Zoom: On agenda
School Data Overview, School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
1/29/2024 at 3:30pm |
5115 Via Corona
Los Angeles, CA, 90022
Zoom: On agenda
Mid-Year LCAP and LCAP review
School-wide Data Review and Comprehensive Needs Assessment
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
2/22/2024 at 3:30pm |
5115 Via Corona
Los Angeles, CA, 90022
Zoom: On agenda
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning |
4/15/2024 at 3:30pm |
5115 Via Corona
Los Angeles, CA, 90022
Zoom: On agenda
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
5/13/2024 at 3:30pm |
5115 Via Corona
Los Angeles, CA, 90022
Zoom: On agenda
School Site Plan for Student Achievement Planning and LCAP Planning
AIA Elementary School 2023-2024
AIA Middle School 2023-2024
AIA Elementary 2022-2023
AIA Elementary 2021-2022
AIA Elementary 2020-2021
AIA Middle School 2021-2022
AIA Middle School 2020-2021